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Encoding generation

It might be desirable to only generate the hashes/cnn encodings for a given image or all images in a directory instead of directly deduplicating using find_duplicates method. Encodings can be generated for a directory of images or for a single image:

Encoding generation for all images in a directory

To generate encodings for all images in an image directory encode_images function can be used. The general api for using encode_images is:

from imagededup.methods import <method-name>
method_object = <method-name>()
encodings = method_object.encode_images(image_dir='path/to/image/directory')

where the returned variable encodings is a dictionary mapping image file names to corresponding encoding:

  'image1.jpg': <encoding-image-1>,
  'image2.jpg': <encoding-image-2>,

For hashing algorithms, the encodings are 64 bit hashes represented as 16 character hexadecimal strings.

For cnn, the encodings are numpy array with shape (576,).

The 'method-name' corresponds to one of the deduplication methods available and can be set to:

  • PHash
  • AHash
  • DHash
  • WHash
  • CNN


  • image_dir: Path to the image directory for which encodings are to be generated.
  • recursive: finding images recursively in a nested directory structure, set to False by default.


  • If an image in the image directory can't be loaded, no encodings are generated for the image. Hence, there is no entry for the image in the returned encodings dictionary.
  • Supported image formats: 'JPEG', 'PNG', 'BMP', 'MPO', 'PPM', 'TIFF', 'GIF', 'SVG', 'PGM', 'PBM', 'WEBP'.


Generating encodings using Difference hash:

from imagededup.methods import DHash
dhasher = DHash()
encodings = dhasher.encode_images(image_dir='path/to/image/directory')

Encoding generation for a single image

To generate encodings for a single image encode_image function can be used. The general api for using encode_image is:

from imagededup.methods import <method-name>
method_object = <method-name>()
encoding = method_object.encode_image(image_file='path/to/image/file')

where the returned variable encoding is either a hexadecimal string if a hashing method is used or a (576,) numpy array if cnn is used.


  • image_file: Optional, path to the image file for which encodings are to be generated.
  • image_array: Optional, used instead of image_file attribute. A numpy array representing the image.


  • If the image can't be loaded, no encodings are generated for the image and None is returned.
  • Supported image formats: 'JPEG', 'PNG', 'BMP', 'MPO', 'PPM', 'TIFF', 'GIF', 'SVG', 'PGM', 'PBM', 'WEBP'.


Generating encodings using Difference hash:

from imagededup.methods import DHash
dhasher = DHash()
encoding = dhasher.encode_image(image_file='path/to/image/file')