Data Generator
class DataGenerator
Class inherits from Keras Sequence base object, allows to use multiprocessing in .fit_generator.
DataGenerator is extended by these classes:
samples: Dictionary of samples to generate data from.
image_dir: Path of image directory.
batch_size: Number of images per batch.
n_classes: Number of classes in dataset.
basenet_preprocess: Basenet specific preprocessing function.
img_load_dims: Dimensions that images get resized into when loaded.
train: If set to True samples are shuffled before each epoch and images are cropped once.
def __init__(samples, image_dir, batch_size, n_classes, basenet_preprocess, img_load_dims, train)
Inits DataGenerator object.
If train set True then samples are shuffled on init.
def on_epoch_end()
Method called at the end of every epoch.
If train set True then samples are shuffled.
def __len__()
Number of batches in the Sequence.
def __getitem__(index)
Gets batch at position index
If train set True then images will be cropped by img_crop_dims.
class TrainDataGenerator
Class inherits from DataGenerator.
Per default images will be cropped and samples are shuffled before each epoch.
samples: Dictionary of samples to generate data from.
image_dir: Path of image directory.
batch_size: Number of images per batch.
n_classes: Number of classes in dataset.
basenet_preprocess: Basenet specific preprocessing function.
img_load_dims: Dimensions that images get resized into when loaded (default (256, 256)).
img_crop_dims: Dimensions that images get resized into when loaded (default (224, 224)).
train: If set to True samples are shuffled before each epoch and images are cropped once (default True).
def __init__(samples, image_dir, batch_size, n_classes, basenet_preprocess, img_load_dims, img_crop_dims, train)
Inits TrainDataGenerator object.
Per default samples are shuffled on init.
class ValDataGenerator
Class inherits from DataGenerator.
Per default neither images are cropped nor samples are shuffled.
samples: Dictionary of samples to generate data from.
image_dir: Path of image directory.
batch_size: Number of images per batch.
n_classes: Number of classes in dataset.
basenet_preprocess: Basenet specific preprocessing function.
img_load_dims: Dimensions that images get resized into when loaded (default (224, 224)).
train: If set to True samples are shuffled before each epoch and images are cropped once (default False).
def __init__(samples, image_dir, batch_size, n_classes, basenet_preprocess, img_load_dims, train)
Inits TrainDataGenerator object.